VR 360° - Kalamitätsflächen unteres Odertal

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hier geht es zur virtuellen interaktiven 360° Version der Tour 'Kalamitätsflächen unteres Odertal'.

verknüpfte Standpunkte

Area 2.2 Oak /Top
Area 1 Spruce
Area 3.1 Pine /Bottom

enthaltene Informationen

Quercus robur

Here we are in a stand of Quercus robur. The trees show little vitality, their leaves are covered with mildew, they form a secondary crowns close to the trunk, and some are already dead. The trees are growing in rows, suggesting that they have been planted. Quercus robur is a native tree species that is considered quite drought tolerant and resistant. Considering the climate tolerance of this species, even when planted, the serious imbalance of the ecosystem is revealed once again.

Calamagrostis epigejos

The weed species Calamagrostis epigejos in high numbers is another problem for the oaks. This weed species is known to increase competition for water and light. Their for it is suppressing natural rejuvenation due to its widespread appearance. In convetional foresty these weeds would be removed to support the natural rejuvenation or the planted seedlings.